Sony Ericsson W595 is unveiled.“If you love music but don’t want to compromise on imaging and video, The W595 mobile phone features a 2.2” bright and large screen for impressing video capabilities. Store and play over 1900 tunes in the 2GB Memory Stick Micro (M2) or share great sounds through the built in stereo speakers
> Lowest retail prices for Sony Ericsson W595
W595 Sony Ericsson mobile phone - Features
Walkman player - music on the go
* 2GB Memory Stick Micro (M2) - store and play more than 1,900 songs
* Share jack and stereo speakers - share your sounds
* Bluetooth - use the many wireless speakers for loud sound
* TrackID and SensMe - lets you know what you are listening to
* 3.2 megapixel camera - snap some great shots and share with friends